Experience the natural spontaneous breath
- Sit upright
- Draw your attention to your nostrils
- Experience breathing in and out through your nostrils – relax jaw muscles
- Invite peace into your spine
- Keep your attention at your nostrils – experience breathing in and out of your nostrils
- This is one round
Blacksmith’s Bellow Breath – 3 rounds
- Sit upright with your hands resting on your knees
- Breathe powerfully in and out through both nostrils with jerky rapid breaths – approximately 20 times
- Afterwards – inhale deeply through both nostrils and then hold your breath – bow your head slightly forward in a neck-lock
- At the same time squeeze/pull the crotch, rectum and genitals/pelvic floor together. This is your root-lock
- Hold your breath and the 2 locks as long as you can effortlessly.
- Release both locks and lift your head up
- Exhale through both nostrils
Sun Breath – 3-5 rounds
- Sit upright – close your eyes
- Relax your body where possible. Close your left nostril with your right index finger
- Inhale deeply through your right nostril until no more air can get in – hold your breath
- Take your right hand down and bend your head in a neck-lock
- Activate the root-lock (hold as if you had to pee) – hold your breath as long as possible
- Release both root-lock and neck-lock
- Close your left nostril with your right index finger – exhale slowly through your right nostril
Cooling Breath – 3-9 rounds
- Sit upright – close your eyes
- Either: Fold your tongue like a tube and inhale slowly through this tube making a faint sound
- Or: Bare your teeth, biting gently together and inhale through your bared teeth making a faint sound
- Hold this breath for a short time – while you also hold the 2 locks, just like in Blacksmith’s Bellow
- Release both locks and slowly exhale through your nose
Alternating Breath – 5 rounds
On counts of 1-4-2
Breathe in counting silently to 4 – hold your breath while counting silently to 16 – exhale counting silently to 8
- Sit upright – close your eyes
- Focus on the natural rhythm of your breathing – sense your nostrils and the air flowing in and out through your nose
- Place your right index and middle finger between your eyes. Now you can close the right nostril with your thumb and the left nostril with your ring finger
- First close the right nostril – inhale through the left nostril while counting to 4 – close both nostrils, hold your breath while counting to 16 – exhale through the right nostril while counting to 8
- Now shift nostril
- Inhale through the right nostril while counting to 4 – close both nostrils, hold your breath while counting to 16 – exhale through the left nostril while counting to 8
- This is one round
- Continue with the rounds and let your breathing become slow and completely calm throughout the rounds
Ujjayi Breath – 10 minutes
- Set an alarm for 10 minutes –
- Sit upright
- Feel a hoarse sound at your vocal chords when you inhale and exhale
- Make some resistance/friction, both with your inhalation and exhalation, however without straining
- If it feels comfortable, place the tip of your tongue at the palate – this can enhance the hoarse sound
- Find peace and stillness in the repetition. It may take a while before the peacefulness arises.